This is an addendum to the Huntington Bulletin in regards to the section:

Running for Office Workshop
By: Martha Woodward

The League is partnering with the W. Page Pitt School of Journalism Broadcasting Department to film a Running for Office Workshop November 30. Because we will miss the deadline for the Newsletter with the connection information we will put that out by email and media after we have it. We expect to distribute the program across the state to encourage new candidates to run. Of course presentations such as this work best with an audience, but that is not yet possible. So, publishing it far and wide is our best option at the moment.

Here is the video link!

Downloadable file:

Should you share it widely? Yes!

The Huntington Area LWV prepared this video (Martha Woodward mostly, with wonderful help from Marshall's broadcasting staff and faculty) available on YouTube.  While it is locally based, it is true across the state.  WE are interested in sharing it widely.  Please take a look and see if you can use it in your area. We were careful to make it bi- and non-partisan.  

Questions or comments, contact Martha Woodward or me.
Betty Barrett