If you were unable to attend last week's grassroots strategy meeting on Amendments 2 and 4, a virtual session has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 31st at 6PM. Details and registration link are below. The session will provide and overview of Amendments 2 and 4, along with best messaging practices. 


Julie Archer (she/her/hers)
Co-President, League of Women Voters of WV
(304) 610-9094 (cell)
www.wvcag.org - www.wvoter-owned.org

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Virtual strategy session on constitutional amendments that take control + revenue from our communities
Date: 2022-08-25 13:55
From: Kelly Allen <kallen@wvpolicy.org>
Cc: "LShepherd@afsc.org" <LShepherd@afsc.org>, Seth DiStefano <sdistefano@wvpolicy.org>

Hello hello,

Hope folks are doing well, and apologies if you receive this information more than once. This November West Virginia voters will consider constitutional amendments that would have significant impacts on funding and control of our communities, our public schools, and the local services that we rely on. If they pass, they would greatly shift control away from voters, communities, and families.


Please join us next Wednesday, August 31 from 6-730 pm for a virtual meeting to discuss “what’s at stake” with these amendments, to strategize about how we can educate our communities about them, and to coordinate and plug into efforts that are already ongoing.


Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAudemvqD8vGtAqvPRFc5FV6d5xYrL-Jr9e


Please reach out with any questions!


Kelly Allen

Executive Director

WV Center on Budget and Policy




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