> Date: December 10, 2019
> Subject: Tell the WV PSC to support lower energy bills and cleaner air.
> As a Morgantown resident and Mon Power electric customer, I want cleaner air AND a lower energy bill. And we can have both, but only if the West Virginia Public Service Commission (PSC) approves Mon Power’s proposal to stop burning coal at the MEA (Morgantown Energy Associates) coal plant!
> Please join me in asking the WV PSC to approve replacing the costly MEA coal plant. Add a personal message to let the PSC know how you’re affected by high energy bills and polluted air.
> Take Action!
> Mon Power customers have been paying above market rates for electricity from the dirty MEA coal plant for more than a quarter of a century -- and we’d be on the hook for nearly another decade -- unless the PSC approves a proposal from Mon Power and MEA to replace it now. MEA also provides waste heat to WVU, and under the proposal, MEA would use gas boilers so that WVU would still get steam to heat the buildings. By closing this dirty coal plant, we'd ultimately pay less for electricity and breathe healthier air.
> Let the WV PSC know today that you want them to support replacing this plant to save money on our energy bills.
> One of the only groups opposing the companies’ smart proposal is the coal supplier. We can't let one company block this opportunity for Mon Power customers to save money.
> Thank you for standing up for lower energy bills and cleaner air by contacting the WV PSC today.
> Sincerely, Jim Kotcon, West Virginia, Sierra Club
> Chapter Conservation Chair