Date: May 20, 2020 at 11:22:03 AM EDT
To: MonValley Clean Air Coalition
Subject: Tomorrow! Frackland Tour: Virtual Edition
Reply-To: Clean Air Council <>
Dear MonValley Clean Air Coalition,
On May 21 at 12PM EDT, Clean Air Council, Breathe Project, Earthworks, Environmental Health Project and Philadelphia Physicians for Social Responsibility will be co-sponsoring a virtual frackland tour.
This presentation can be viewed on EHP's Facebook at, EHP's website at, or the Breathe Project's YouTube page at
Presenters include:
*Matthew Mehalik, Breathe Project
*Ned Ketyer, Environmental Health Project and Philadelphia Physicians for Social Responsibility
*Lois Bjorson, Clean Air Council
*Leann Leiter, Earthworks
*Impacted Pennsylvania residents
Following the presentation, there will be a live Q&A.