West Virginia Interfaith Power & Light is worthy of support!

WVIPL has performed important work here in WV over the past 20 years

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We are writing to you today with important information from the West Virginia Interfaith Power and Light (WVIPL).

Faith Climate Action Week is coming up and Interfaith Power and Light has released some great planning materials.  You can find them here:


The theme for this year is “Living the Golden Rule: Just Transition to a Clean Energy Economy.” We hope you will check these resources out and utilize them in your faith community.

The WVIPL is on the verge of gaining independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. We will be developing a Board of Directors with officers. If you have the time and interest in helping out, please contact Robin Blakeman at rbrobinjh@gmail.com, and include “WVIPL leadership” in the subject line of your email.

With spring just around the corner, a time of rebirth and rejuvenation, we thank you for your support and extend an ongoing invitation to be involved in the important work of caring for our common home.

Sincerely, WVIPL Steering Committee and Staff