# [SOLAR UNITED NEIGHBORS (SUN) issues their impressive Annual Report](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/03/07/solar-united-neighbors-issues- their-impressive-annual-report/)
[![](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2023/03/9EAC5299-1403-404E-886B-B5D5070009F7-300x168.jpg)](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2023/03/9EAC5299-1403-404E-886B-B5D5070009F7.jpeg)
**To: Everyone Interested & Concerned About Energy Supply and the Environment**
From the [Solar United Neighbors, Washington, DC,](https://go.solarunitedneighbors.org/webmail/941793/251695294/638e32be6af3f4f...) March 6, 2023
I’m thrilled to share our [2022 Annual Report](https://www.solarunitedneighbors.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Solar- United-Neighbors-Annual-Report-2022.pdf) with you. In it, you’ll find just a sampling of all of the incredible work our team accomplished last year. [Here’s a few highlights:](https://go.solarunitedneighbors.org/webmail/941793/251695294/638e32be6af3f4f...)
A. Helped pass the largest federal solar policy in a generation (the Inflation Reduction Act).
B. Rallied hundreds of solar supporters to successfully defend net metering against a utility-sponsored bill in Florida.
C. Launched a new program in Puerto Rico.
D. Helped more than 1,300 households go solar (our biggest year yet!), including 40 low- and-moderate income families.
E. Hosted 379 community events to educate, organize, and celebrate solar!
Thank you for being a part of the solar community. Together, we’re building a new energy system with rooftop solar at the cornerstone.
_Best wishes, Anya Schoolman, Executive Director, Solar United Neighbors_
**P.S. Like what you see?** [Support our work and spread the SUN even further by giving today!](https://secure.givelively.org/donate/solar-united- neighbors/donate-now-and-support-solar-06385778-212c-4f22-95bd-3f32649c8ba0/)
**NOTE** ~ [You can read the 2022 Annual Report here.](https://www.solarunitedneighbors.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Solar- United-Neighbors-Annual-Report-2022.pdf)