Marcellus Drilling Industry is Politically Super-Sensitive
Summary Article from the Marcellus Drilling News, August 25, 2023
“We’re naming names. Pennsylvania State Rep. Charity Grimm Krupa (Republican from Fayette County) has turned against the Marcellus industry. She is introducing legislation that would ban drilling new wastewater injection wells in the state, making it much harder to drill new shale wells.”
“Companies end up drilling fewer wells without a place to dispose of the naturally occurring water that comes from shale (and conventional) wells for years after an oil or gas well comes online.”
“Was Krupa always anti-drilling? Or has she recently lost her way? Either way, she needs to be vigorously opposed in this effort–and someone needs to primary her in the next election. She needs to go.”
NOTE: The above diatribe is illogical and a gross description of the facts. Because a public official has concern about an aspect of the environment, they are judged unfit for office. Actually, the issue has nothing to do with politics. All citizens who think about it are against the contamination of the Earth. Some publications try to be flamboyant so as to attract attention, attract readers and attract subscribers. I do not subscribe. DGN