# [American Conservation Film Festival was March 10 – 12 in Shepherdstown & Elsewhere](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/03/17/american-conservation-film- festival-was-march-10-12-in-shepherdstown-elsewhere/)
[](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2023/03/564B615D-9705-415D-9E03-616827D10C3E.jpeg)
Mary Anne Hitt was the Main Speaker on March 12th ……. (Click this image to read it)
**@[American Conservation Film Festival 2023](https://conservationfilmfest.org/) @**
**Evolve Shepherdstown** (106 W. German Street) is the festival’s pop-up headquarters, a place for guests to pop in and meet representatives from conservation groups like **Solar Holler, Sky Truth, Trout Unlimited, WV Rivers, Garden Stewards, and Oak Springs Garden Foundation.** Film stars and filmmakers were popping in throughout the weekend, including the on-screen personalities from Hellbent and Little Stream, Big Magic, and filmmaker Neil Losin of sym•bee•o•sis.
At 1pm on Sunday afternoon, Shepherdstown resident **Mary Anne Hitt** , international climate advocate and activist, read an excerpt from her essay included in **”All We Can Save: Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis”**.
At 2pm, we learned more about West Virginia’s native brook trout and star of the film, “ **Little Stream, Big Magic** ” from **Than Hitt** , research biologist. Did you miss the art installation “ **School of Trout** ” created by fourth grade students at Shepherdstown Elementary School. Over 50 beautifully collaged trout greeted visitors to Evolve all weekend.
Admission was free. Evolve was open Sat & Sun 11AM to 5PM.
**The[American Conservation Film Festival](https://conservationfilmfest.org/action-opportunities/) 2023**
If you value exceptional filmmaking on stories that literally change lives and an organization devoted to the curation and presentation of those stories, please consider a donation to ACFF. We so appreciate your support and look forward to fulfilling our mission for years to come. And we send each of you our wishes for your well-being and continued engagement with the things that bring you joy and solace.
**ACFF Environmental Efforts Throughout the Year**
Whenever possible, our staff works from home offices in order to reduce fuel demand and pollution. To reduce environmental impacts, staff has reduced their intake of meat and dairy and some are vegetarian. Some of our staff has invested in zero emission, hybrid vehicles and walk to the office, weather permitting. For long distance business trips, carpooling or public transportation is utilized as much as possible. Meetings are often conducted using video conferencing with Zoom or via conference call to cut down on driving. There is more ….