# [THURSDAY NIGHT ~ “Inflation Reduction Act Roadshow” (5/4/23)](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/05/03/thursday- night-%e2%80%9cinflation-reduction-act-roadshow%e2%80%9d-5423/)
[](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2023/05/2EA1E671-E925-4FED-A462-F363F19F7723.png)
Learn about this important legislation that affects all of us ….
**Inflation Reduction Act Roadshow set for Thursday, May 4th @ 6 PM**
[Dear Friends and Concerned Citizens ~ Calling all folks near Morgantown!](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ira-roadshow-morgantown- tickets-590271246187)
This Thursday, May 4th at 6:00PM, come visit us at the IRA Roadshow! Join this free informational event to learn about how individuals, municipalities, and organizations in West Virginia can benefit from millions of dollars of investments contained in the Inflation Reduction Act.
Last summer, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act which includes historic investments in clean energy, energy efficiency, and community development initiatives.
At these events, community members and elected officials will have the opportunity to learn from experts from around the state about how to put these investments to use in homes and communities.
WHAT: FREE informational event
WHEN: Thursday, May 4th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
WHERE: Sincerest United Methodist, 479 Van Voorhis Rd, Morgantown WV 26505
[RSVP now to engage in this opportunity in northern West Virginia](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ira-roadshow-morgantown- tickets-590271246187).
**WV New Jobs Coalition is a coalition advocating for stronger communities for a brighter future here in West Virginia. Join us as we work to move state and federal policies to improve climate, healthcare, jobs and justice for all in West Virginia.**
[Join our Mailing List - Donate - Volunteer - Share Your Vision for WV](https://www.newjobswv.org/)
_WV New Jobs Coalition is a growing campaign made up of:_ American Friends Service Committee of WV, Common Defense of WV, WV Working Families Party, Sierra Club of WV, SEIU District 1199, West Virginia Citizen Action Group and more!