# [MAY OUR EARTH BE BETTER, BECAUSE WE MAKE IT SO!](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2022/12/25/may-our-earth-be-better-because- we-make-it-so/)
[](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2022/12/F9B35D1F-890E-489D-8842-7C57ADB39D03.jpeg)
So much to learn and to understand and to integrate
**The “World Peace Diet” Continues Promotion Since 1980**
From [Dr. Will Tuttle, Speaker, Author, Traveler, and Spiritual Leader](http://www.worldpeacediet.com/), 12/25/22
**Dear friends** , we have just finished the first month of our **Benevolent Revolution Tour** – 18 beautiful events promoting kindness, freedom, and spiritual health, while crossing from California through AZ, NM, and TX.
We greet you now from south Florida. We will be here for a couple of months, offering events through Hippocrates and other venues, and returning in March to California on a slightly more northerly route. Deep thanks to the many caring and creative fellow advocates making this all possible, with whom we are honored to be working, contributing, and learning.
May the spirit of Love, Truth and Freedom radiate the living light of
awakening - Into our hearts and into the hearts of our fellow humans, Sparking insight and compassion for animals, our Earth, and each other.
May the deceptive narratives of exploitation be exposed for all to see.
May the beckoning doorway of a vegan world of respect for all living
beings draw us ever onward and upward.
May we live and embody our commitment to respect the sovereignty of
individual beings, and never comply with injustice, oppression, and deceit.
May we go forth and multiply the season’s message of peace, harmony, joy,
and liberation for all!
_That 's it for now - With love and appreciation, **Will & Madeleine**
Dr. Will Tuttle, 21373 Highway 175, Middletown CA 95461 USA_
P.S. ~ [Here's a new Interview with Chef AJ](https://youtu.be/cTMPwracDx4) - **Enjoy!!**
URL: https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2022/12/25/may-our-earth-be-better-because- we-make-it-so/