# [Absolutely No Real Necessity to Build & Operate Nuclear Reactors](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/03/08/absolutely-no-real- necessity-to-build-operate-nuclear-reactors/)
[![](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2023/03/EBFB9A52-9CE8-4B27-9DC6-A269711BB14A.jpeg)](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2023/03/EBFB9A52-9CE8-4B27-9DC6-A269711BB14A.jpeg)
Modular nuclear reactors will be incredibly expensive, quite dangerous when operating and generate high level radioactive waste
**[Action Alert from the WV Environmental Council](https://wvecouncil.org/), March 8, 2023**
At any time, **the Senate Finance Committee is set to consider HB 2896, which aims to** **designate West Virginia as an agreement state with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC). However, this move could result in a financial burden of at least 9 million dollars for our State over the next 4-8 years. (As per the US NRC 's estimation, becoming an agreement state takes around 4-8 years.)**
**The financial impact of HB 2896 cannot be ignored. This amount of money is substantial, especially considering the current funding shortages faced by the WV Department of Environmental Protection (WV DEP), which is already struggling to fulfill its regulatory obligations towards existing industries.**
**Please contact Senate Finance Committee members and tell them you do not want West Virginia to take on the financial burden of HB 2896! Calls are most effective:**
Senator Eric Tarr (Chair): (304) 357-7901 Senator Rupie Phillips (Vice Chair): (304) 357-7857 Senator Jason Barrett: (304) 357-7933 Senator Donna J. Boley: (304) 357-7905 Senator Charles H. Clements: (304) 357-7827 Senator Glenn Jeffries: (304) 357-7866 Senator Mike Maroney: (304) 357-7902 Senator Eric Nelson: (304) 357-7854 Senator Mike Oliverio: (304) 357-7919 Senator Robert H. Plymale: (304) 357-7937 Senator Ben Queen: (304) 357-7904 Senator Rollan A. Roberts: (304) 357-7831 Senator Randy Smith: (304) 357-7995 Senator Chandler Swope: (304) 357-7843 Senator Jack Woodrum: (304) 357-7849
_[West Virginia Environmental Council](https://wvecouncil.org/), P.O. Box
1007, Charleston, WV 25324_
info@wvecouncil.org (304) 414-0143