# [Lanzarote Declaration, MICRO 2022 ~ UNITED NATIONS Treaty on Plastic Pollution](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2022/12/31/lanzarote-declaration- micro-2022-united-nations-treaty-on-plastic-pollution/)
[![](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2022/12/470999FE-F077-431F-8024-9D55AA66100D-300x204.png)](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2022/12/470999FE-F077-431F-8024-9D55AA66100D.png)
Intense study and planning underway for UN treaty on plastic pollution
**Welcome to MICRO 2022**
[Organized & Presented by UNESCO](https://micro2022.sciencesconf.org/),
November 18, 2022
**We are deeply thankful to All MICRO 2022 Speakers, Chairpersons and All Participants, for the intense week we spent, rooted in an Open Science context, Under the Patronage of the the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, sharing the evolving research on plastic pollution from macro to nano, with a core focus on microplastics.**
You can find the [Full Programme HERE.](https://www.micro.infini.fr/prog.html)
This year, 40 Local Nodes hosted the Chairpersons facilitating an intense week of 500 online presentations, and Friday Nov. 18th’s collective effort to synthesize these intense days into the [Lanzarote Declaration, MICRO 2022 for the UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution.](https://zenodo.org/record/7359316)
**Focusing on what We, the MICRO community, think is important for the UN Plastics Treaty, and where We want the research to go from here, this is Our collective effort for the UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution.**
Nice to see the [2022 Lanzarote Declaration](https://zenodo.org/record/7359316) begin to circulate, while we start preparing the way towards the in-person **MICRO 2024 : Human edition**.
_Very best wishes from Lanzarote,
MICRO 2022 Scientific and Organizing Committee_.