# [New “Workforce Hubs” to Focus on Advanced Technology & Clean Energy](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/05/25/new-%e2%80%9cworkforce- hubs%e2%80%9d-to-focus-on-advanced-technology-clean-energy/)
[](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2023/05/1B8CDC8F-AC49-44DE-8DF2-83074EF607F2.jpeg)
American Clean Power Association promotes sustainable jobs & electricity
**Pittsburgh named 'workforce hub' in White House initiative**
From a [News Report of WTAE News 4, Pittsburgh](https://www.wtae.com/article/pittsburgh-workforce-hub-biden- administration/43910256), May 18, 2023
PITTSBURGH — The Biden administration is creating five workforce hubs around the U.S. to help bolster the economy, and Pittsburgh has been named as one of those hubs.
Each hub will work to expand apprenticeship programs, develop career and technical education programs, and provide support services to help under- represented students and workers succeed.
**A statement from the White House noted Pittsburgh 's growth in advanced manufacturing, including robotics and biomanufacturing, as well as clean energy.**
**The initiative begins this summer. Other regions chosen as hubs were Columbus, Ohio; Baltimore; Phoenix; and Augusta, Georgia.**
"The goal here is for the administration to work closely with the state, and particularly local partners, mayors, community groups, unions, to make sure that workers are getting access to the workforce skills and training that they need, and really making sure that the communities are ready for all of this new investment that's going to be coming in and that they're helping to prepare the workforce to take advantage of these opportunities," said Heather Boushey, chief economist with the president's Investing in America agenda.
**See Also:** [Appalachian solar developer and non-profit to bring 100 jobs to West Virginia](https://pv-magazine-usa.com/2023/02/20/appalachian-solar- developer-and-non-profit-to-bring-100-jobs-to-west-virginia/); Michael Schoek, PV Magazine, February 20, 2023
Following a recently announced award to the ACT (Appalachian Climate Technology) Now Coalition, two entities will collaborate on strategies to recruit, train and employ local workers in the growing renewable energy industry in West Virginia and around the Appalachian region.