# [All Fossil Energy Projects Need to Follow the Environmental Laws](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/05/24/all-fossil-energy-projects-need- to-follow-the-environmental-laws/)
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Joe Manchin puts coal & gas projects ahead of the public health & welfare
**U.S. Senators Should Not Grant Exceptions Just For Oil & Gas Projects**
_To: Residents of Appalachia & Concerned Citizens of WV, PA, OH, VA & NC_ . . **Joe Manchin is the fossil fuel industry’s favorite senator, and it’s no surprise why. After we stopped Manchin’s dirty permitting deal three times at the end of 2022, Manchin is back and trying to do it again. He wants to lock us into decades of fracking and fossil fuel use, and force the completion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.**
It’s time to speak out again and oppose the Dirty Permitting Deal. [Will you send a message to your Senators and demand that they reject fossil fuel handouts in any must-pass legislation?](https://secure.foodandwaterwatch.org/act/tell-your-senators-no- deals-big-oil-0)
Manchin and his allies in the Senate want to gut our bedrock environmental laws to make it easier for oil and gas to frack, drill, build pipelines, and export fossil fuels. This would limit tribal sovereignty and community input, and weaken protections for our air, water, and planet. Their goal is to make the country more reliant on coal, oil and gas, and ensure more profits for their corporate cronies.
Manchin knows that his pro-pollution agenda is deeply unpopular and could never pass on its own. So after failing last year, Manchin is trying to attach his dirty permitting deal to must-pass legislation and force Congress’ hand. We can’t allow them to jeopardize crucial public programs with this dirty permitting deal.
**[Send a message to your Senators and tell them to reject this dirty permitting deal.](https://secure.foodandwaterwatch.org/act/tell-your-senators- no-deals-big-oil-0)**
Last year, Food & Water Watch, our volunteers, and supporters along with a huge coalition of climate, environmental justice, civil rights, and progressive organizations stopped this deal with people power because we know what’s at stake. We showed up in Washington, D.C. and in Congressional offices across the country, made thousands of calls to representatives and senators, and even went to jail to protest this awful deal.
**But we’re not out of the woods yet.** To protect our communities and climate, we can't allow Senator Manchin and his fossil fuel industry backers to lock us into decades of more emissions that harm the planet and endanger our food, water, and health.
**Your senators need to hear from you** — will you take a minute to send a message and tell them to reject the dirty permitting deal?
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_**Onward together, Thomas Meyer,** Strategic Organizing Projects Director,
Food & Water Watch, 1616 P Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036 _