# [LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD: ‘Mountain Valley Pipeline’ is in Congress](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/05/31/let-your-voice-be- heard-%e2%80%98mountain-valley-pipeline%e2%80%99-in-congress/)
**[WILD VIRGINIA SEEKS TO PRESERVE& PROTECT OUR WILD PLACES](https://wildvirginiainfo.salsalabs.org/mvpcalltoaction/)**
[](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2023/05/9BC46CEB-3221-4EA7-BF1E-A02E91694F8E.png)
The environmental & public safety risks are huge and increasing with the age of the pipe
**Thank you for your continued action**. _Updates and urgent calls to action are below! The calls to action are time sensitive - #1 is before 2pm._ [Please check in on the toolkit for updates, calls to action and (very long) call lists!](https://wildvirginiainfo.salsalabs.org/mvpcalltoaction/)
**Update: The bill passed through the House Rules comm with NO amendments, and will go to the House floor for a vote today/tonight.**
[This is the house schedule for today:](https://wildvirginiainfo.salsalabs.org/mvpcalltoaction/)
2pm ET: Convene 2:30pm: Debate rule for Fiscal Responsibility Act 3:30pm: VOTE: PQ, Rule and 1 suspension 4:10pm: Recess 7:15pm: Debate Fiscal Responsibility Act 8:30pm: VOTE MTR, passage of Fiscal Responsibility Act and 1 suspension
[Call to Action #1 HOUSE PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS - Make some calls!](https://wildvirginiainfo.salsalabs.org/mvpcalltoaction/)
[Call your House Rep 888-997-5380 and ask for a CLEAN debt ceiling!](https://wildvirginiainfo.salsalabs.org/mvpcalltoaction/)
Then, call members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus before 2pm TODAY and ask for a CLEAN debt ceiling:
[MORE CALL LISTS ARE IN THE TOOLKIT](https://wildvirginiainfo.salsalabs.org/mvpcalltoaction/)
**Fossil Fuel ADVOCATES Manchin, Biden and Schumer Tell West Virginians to ‘Rest in Peace’**
[Note: This is the first in a series about Mountaintop Removal in WV.]
RICHWOOD, W.Va. – As I write this, Congress is poised to pass the so-called “Fiscal Responsibility Act.” If passed as written, it will make impotent the nation’s environmental laws, people and courts. In short, democracy will be flattened like strip-mined mountaintops. It will also lead to new, aggressive Mountaintop Removal (MTR) endeavors in West Virginia. A poem by a new contributor to the Appalachian Chronicle and some photographs I took at the Blue Knob Surface Mine in Greenbrier County, W.Va. last week warn of the dangers and grief caused by MTR. Read the full article here. As always thanks for reading and feel free to share. - MMB
Michael M. Barrick, The Appalachian Chronicle