# [ACTION ALERT ~ The Mountain Valley Pipeline “Dirty Deal” is Back in Spades!](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/05/29/action-alert-the-mountain- valley-pipeline-%e2%80%9cdirty-deal%e2%80%9d-is-back-in-spades/)
[](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2023/05/AF21BAD1-B8CB-4084-9BF8-A1D5C75EE175.jpeg)
The environmental science is clear, MVP is a dirty deal for the climate & the land
**Time to push back really hard and stop this Dirty Deal in the US Congress.**
From [Maury W. Johnson, Affected Resident & POWHR Member in Monroe County,
WV](https://powhr.org/), May 28, 2023
**According to an email I received from Grace Tuttle, POWHR Coalition Advocacy Director, the “Dirty Deal” was included into the “Debit Ceiling Deal.”**
**It orders all permits to be granted within 21 days and mandates NO judicial review for permits. This text, full of many other cruel and destructive provisions, still has to pass the House and the Senate, but every further delay now is closer to risking default making it extremely hard to vote against by design.**
**We are working to draft calls to action ASAP. We will be URGING Members of Congress to reject this horrific (on many levels) deal and to pass a clean debt ceiling.**
**The MVP portion of the text** i **s Section 324 in the** [full text is available here](https://t.co/8IvlQu4isH):
_Thanks, Maury Johnson, Monroe County, West Virginia. Protect our Water,
Heritage, Rights [POWHR]_
**NOTE: My urgent recommendation and request is as follows. Regardless of where you live, please Google one or more Senators from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware or Virginia and get their contact information.**
Tell them the **MOUNTAIN VALLEY PIPELINE** must be rejected. It is too large in diameter for the terrain @ 42 in., it is too long for Appalachia disturbing 300 miles of farms & forests & rivers & streams. The metals pipe is subject to excess stresses due to bending & changing temperatures. There will be chemical corrosion from contact with soil & water because the coating has been exposed to sunlight beyond its safety limit. Failures at the welded joints can result in leaks that become explosions and forest fires.
**(The MVP natural gas is not needed & excess greenhouse gases would be generated if installed. The pipeline project should not be decided by a back room deal in Congress.) DGN **