# [The West Virginia Hills & Valleys have Become ‘Fractured Sanctury’](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/04/21/the-west-virginia-hills- valleys-have-become-%e2%80%98fractured-sanctury%e2%80%99/)
[](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2023/04/3017A998-CE42-44AE-B5BC-C78E883163A9.jpeg)
Drilling and fracking on large Marcellus well pads continues in WV
**Public lecture on grassroots activism in West Virginia**
From the [Announcement by Betsy Lawson, Sierra Club](https://appalachianchronicle.com/), April 17, 2023
_Join us for this open presentation and discussion: “Fractured Sanctuary”_
**What** : Michael Barrick will discuss his new book; ‘Fractured Sanctuary’
**Where** : The public meeting room, Church of the Brethren, 464 Virginia Avenue (Wiles Hill), Morgantown. (COVID-19 masks are optional.)
**When** : 3 pm, Sunday, April 23rd
Our speaker Michael Barrick will describe reluctant citizen activists providing grassroots resistance against fracking, pipeline construction etc… in WV and beyond. Telling our stories helps encourage, empower and heal one another. Community preparedness and emergency management will be described to meet the threats to our communities from fracking, flooding or a major spill of hazardous chemicals, as recently happened in East Palestine, Ohio.
Michael Barrick holds a postgraduate Certificate in Community Preparedness and Emergency Management from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. He has extensive experience in these areas. He was born in Clarksburg and is a graduate of Glenville State.
The co-sponsors of this event are the WV Sierra Club, WV Interfaith Power & Light, Morgantown Church of the Brethren, Morgantown Friends (Quaker) Meeting and the local Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
Refreshments will be provided. Celebrate Earth Day by joining us.
We hope to see you there, on Wiles Hill in Morgantown.
_Betsy Lawson, Secretary, Monongahela Group, Sierra Club_
**See also:** [The Appalachian Chronicle](https://appalachianchronicle.com/) ~ [appalachianchronicle.com](https://appalachianchronicle.com/)