# [SPEAK UP NOW! ~ The Mountain Valley Pipeline is Dangerous & Unnecessary](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/05/16/speak-up-now-the- mountain-valley-pipeline-is-dangerous-unnecessary/)
[](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/wp- content/uploads/2023/05/740FFEC0-875A-4660-B523-75515D6FDFDD.jpeg)
At 42 inches in diameter, the MVP exceeds size of installed long distance gas pipelines
From the [West Virginia Rivers Coalition](https://wvrivers.salsalabs.org/baesa/index.html?eType=EmailBlastContent&...), May 16, 2023
Earlier this month, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin introduced The Building American Energy Security Act of 2023. This legislation changes how federal agencies handle energy projects and takes the dangerous and unprecedented step of requiring agencies to issue all permits within 30 days for the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), without further public involvement and without judicial review.
**Make no mistake: No project should be exempt from full protections afforded by cornerstone laws like the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act, which the MVP has a long history of violating.**
While there is much debate over the need for permitting reform to aid in our energy transition, this provision is reckless and unfair. Still, together, we can send a united message to our leaders to protect West Virginians and our right to fair and equal treatment under the law.
**Today, we are calling on our supporters to contact President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to tell them that fast-tracking fossil fuel projects puts our communities and the planet at risk. Can we count on you to take action with us today?**
[Tell our leaders in Washington: Reject the unjust approval of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.→](https://wvrivers.salsalabs.org/baesa/index.html?eType=EmailBlastContent&...)
After you've signed your name and added your comments, could you forward the link to your family and friends to ask them to use their voices to stand with West Virginians’ rights to fair and equal protections?
Together we have built a powerful coalition. With your continued support, we'll keep growing our numbers to protect access to clean water.
[Thank you for taking action today. Add Your Voice!](https://wvrivers.salsalabs.org/baesa/index.html?eType=EmailBlastContent&...)
_In Solidarity, WV Rivers Coalition_
[WEST VIRGINIA RIVERS COALITION](https://wvrivers.org) 3501 MacCorkle Ave SE #129 | Charleston, West Virginia 25304 304-637-7201 | wvrivers@wvrivers.org