Country Roads Cyclists (CRC) has invited Positive Spin folk to a ride
and picnic this Saturday, September 16 at noon!
We will leave from the Wendy's parking lot, our usual CRC starting
point, at 12 Noon Saturday. We will plan on going to Masontown, then
returning to the Marilla Park.My wife will be holding one of the picnic
tables and fire pits. Everyone is invited, if they bring food or drink.
(And, if biking a bike and helmet). Around 2:00 PM, if a person is not
biking. Kelly Williams
Saturday, September 16 at 12:00 NOON Decker's Creek Trail Ride AND
Kelly Williams 304-292-9821
(**) Trail. 22 miles. Meet at the parking lot behind Wendy's in Sabraton
(RT 7, East). We will bike up Decker's Creek Trail to the Masontown
trailhead, then return back down the trail, to the parking lot. Next, we
will proceed over to Marilla Park for a cookout and picnic. Bring food
to share, or purchase food somewhere in Sabraton. (NOTE: WVU
Football at 12:00 NOON)