Bike!Bike! International, historically, has been an in-person event for
community bicycle projects with both workshops and a lot of cool bike
rides. In 2021, the first virtual Bike!Bike!Everywhere! was held due to
a combination of factors: the pandemic, and the reality that traveling
long distances wasn't always practical for participants or good for the
environment (if you weren't riding your bike to the event).
The second ever B!B!E! is being held this week, and since anyone can
attend, I am sending out this invite. Even if you can't attend the live
event, all the workshops should be recorded, and archived -
I'll be facilitating this workshop at 3pm on Saturday:
Shout out - if you want to experience a community bike ride similar to
the rides held at Bike!Bike! events, there is an opportunity tonight to
experience one hosted by Motown Social Rides (Bike Morgantown) - [1]
-------- Original Message --------
English/Español (abajo)
Bike!Bike! Everywhere! 2022 [2] is here.
Check out the Workshop Schedule [3] (!Bike!_Everywhere!_2022_Workshop_S…
Visit the Discord Chat [4] ( [4] ) and try
to log in NOW - some people have difficulty signing in to Discord, so
please try it and let us know if you have problems.
Please forward this final invitation to other community bike
What: Bike!Bike! Everywhere! 2021 is the online version of the annual
Bike!Bike! - a conference for community bike organizations. It is an
international get-together where people share experiences and ideas
about community bike projects.
When: Friday, Nov. 11 ~ Sunday, Nov. 13
Where: Online. Zoom for audio/video meetings [3] and Discord for text
chat [4]. (Please try Discord ASAP and let us know if you have problems)
Who: Everyone who is involved with or interested in community/non-profit
bike projects is invited. We have live interpretation in English and
Spanish for audio/video sessions.
Why: You love bike-related things. You love community. You love
communities of bike people. You don't want to travel (pandemic,
environmentalism, expense). You want to be a part of a community of
community bike people.
Donate to support simultaneous interpretation [5]
See you soon!
Bike!Bike! ¡En todas partes! 2022 [2] esta aqui.
Mira el Programa de Talleres [3]
Visita la sala de chat Discord [4]
Por favor, reenvía esta invitación a otras organizaciones ciclistas y
talleres comunitarios que conozcas.
¿Qué es? ¡Bike!Bike! ¡Dondequiera! ¡2022 es la versión en línea de la
conferencia anual ¡Bike!Bike! - una conferencia para organizaciones
ciclistas y talleres comunitarios. Se trata de un encuentro
internacional en el que se comparten experiencias e ideas sobre
proyectos comunitarios en bicicleta.
¿Cuándo? Del viernes 11 al domingo 13 de noviembre.
¿Dónde? En línea. Zoom para las reuniones de audio/vídeo [3] y Discord
para el chat de texto [4].
¿Quién puede inscribirse? Cualquier persona que este interesada en
proyectos comunitarios/sin ánimo de lucro en bicicleta. Tenemos previsto
contar con interpretación simulatanea en inglés y español para las
sesiones de audio y vídeo.
¿Por qué? Te gustan las cosas relacionadas con la bicicleta. Te gusta la
comunidad ciclista. No quieres viajar (pandemia, ecologismo, gastos).
Quieres formar parte de una comunidad de gente ciclista.
Dona para apoyar intérpretes simultánexs [5]
¡Nos vemos pronto!