Greetings Positive Spinians-
As many of you may know Positive Spin is preparing for its first
ever Annual Meeting on June 28, 2015. During this meeting we will be
voting on our board of directors. All nine seats will be up for
renewal and we are now seeking nominations for those seats. While
Positive Spin would like to get the most involvement out of its
board of directors as possible, the time commitment is minimal with
one monthly 2-hour meeting for approximately 9 months. While no
experience is required, and we highly encourage all
dedicated people to submit
their names for nomination, we especially would like to encourage
those with a professional or advanced degrees e.g. attorneys, CPAs,
MBAs, etc. If you have a candidate in mind or if you would like to
sit on Positives Spin's board, please contact me at your earliest
convenience. All seated board members wishing to seek another term
should also submit their name.
Additionally if you are not considering a run for a seat on the
board, the nominating committee could use some help recruiting board
members, please contact me with regards to this matter as well.
Patrick Kelley
cell: 724-812-2429