More info on WV Connecting Communities upcoming events. See attachments.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Kasey Russell <russell.kasey(a)>
> Date: October 9, 2013 11:11:01 AM EDT
> To: Andrea Salina <andreathompson31(a)>, Bill Austin <baustin(a)>, Breanna Shell <shellb(a)>, Brendan Bell <brendanbell.bell(a)>, Charles Holley <cholley(a)>, Christiaan Abildso <cgabildso(a)>, Craig Slaughter <craig.slaughter(a)>, Dennis A Strawn <dennis.strawn(a)>, Don Spencer <DSpencer36(a)>, Ella Belling <ella(a)>, Emily Vasile <Emily.Vasile(a)>, Frank Gmeindl <frank.gmeindl(a)>, Gail Pitchford <gail.pitchford(a)>, Gary Zuckett <garyz(a)>, Greg Garrett <gagarrett(a)>, "harvey.allen(a)" <harvey.allen(a)>, Jeffrey Lusk <jlusk(a)>, John Francis <johncfrancis13(a)>, John Manchester <jmanchester(a)>, "Laura M. Dice" <Laura.Dice(a)>, Michael Loughney <mloughney(a)>, Michael Plante <mike(a)>, Patricia Clay <trishc1(a)>, Patrick Donovan <pdonovan(a)>, Rahul Gupta <rahul.gupta(a)>, Rich Harper <johnscyclery(a)>, Stacy Bisker <selaineb(a)>, Steve Fowler <smf(a)>, Ted Armbrecht <eca3(a)>, Tom Wood <twood84(a)>
> Cc: Scott Sudduth <scottsud(a)>, Scott Rotruck <fsrotruck(a)>
> Subject: WVCC Update
> Hello WVCC interested folks and Board Members: please find attached an update on our activities. Main points: our next board meeting is Oct. 24th at 4:00 p.m. in Richwood, WV. After our meeting, for those who are interested, we will join the Create WV conference attendees at their dinner (cost $35 for dinner). Dennis and I will be going to the dinner and staying in Richwood Thursday night so we can lead the bike ride and walk on Friday afternoon. Let me know if you can join us by next Wednesday, Oct. 16th. (Create WV day rate is $135, fyi; visit their website to register)
> Also, the first annual Legislative Bike Ride hosted by WVCC and the Mountain State Wheelers is happening on Oct. 20th from 3:30 to 5 starting at the Capitol. I'm attaching the flier to this email. Please send a personal invite to any Delegate or Senator that you know.
> As you will see from the update, there are many ways to get involved in this statewide advocacy organization for cycling and pedestrian access and safety.
> Thanks, kasey
> Kasey Russell, Executive Director, WVCC