Hi all,
Please take a look at the attached September meeting minutes and let me know if you have changes or corrections.
*And So Much More!* 1. The MMMPO is updating the Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Please take the survey so we can make sure cycling is considered in planning efforts: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MTPUpdate https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MTPUpdate For general information about the plan update process, including public meetings, see this page: http://www.plantogether.org/2016update http://www.plantogether.org/2016update
2. The intersection of University / Collins Ferry / Baldwin is also open for review and comment (scroll down): http://www.plantogether.org/ongoing-construction-projects http://www.plantogether.org/ongoing-construction-projects
3. Confident city cycling class tentatively scheduled for October 8-9, 2016. If you are interested in taking this course, mark your calendar now!
4. We have some initial designs for sharrow stickers / bumperstickers! Take a look and respond with your thoughts. Which one would you put on your bike and/or car?
5. There has been a lot of interest in our commuter map lately; take a look and give us your changes or suggestions: http://bikemorgantown.com/route_map.php http://bikemorgantown.com/route_map.php
For anybody interested in rail-trail efforts, there will be 2 workshops on the Industrial Heartland Trails Coalition effort, which is attempting to link together 10000000 miles (that number might not be completely accurate) of rail-trails across 4 states, thus making it possible for us to bike from Morgantown to Pittsburgh, DC, Cleveland, or other cool places. They will be in Shinnston on 9/20 and Wheeling on 9/29: http://ihearttrails.org/2016/08/29/i-heart-trails-community-chats-this-fall/
If you have additional updates, events or things to share, please let me know! I would be happy to share them on our Facebook page as well.
Thanks, Christina