# [West Virginia Interfaith Power & Light is worthy of support!](https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/03/18/west-virginia-interfaith- power-light-is-worthy-of-support/)
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WVIPL has performed important work here in WV over the past 20 years
**[Dear Friends and Supporters](https://wvipl.org/),**
**We are writing to you today with important information from the[West Virginia Interfaith Power and Light](https://wvipl.org/) (WVIPL).**
**Faith Climate Action Week is coming up and Interfaith Power and Light has released some great planning materials. You can find them here:**
The theme for this year is **" Living the Golden Rule: Just Transition to a Clean Energy Economy."** We hope you will check these resources out and utilize them in your faith community.
The **WVIPL is on the verge of gaining independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit status**. We will be developing a Board of Directors with officers. If you have the time and interest in helping out, please contact Robin Blakeman at _rbrobinjh@gmail.com_ , and include “ **WVIPL leadership** ” in the subject line of your email.
With spring just around the corner, a time of rebirth and rejuvenation, we thank you for your support and extend an ongoing invitation to be involved in the important work of caring for our common home.
**Sincerely** , _[[WVIPL Steering Committee and Staff](https://wvipl.org/)%5D(https://wvipl.org/)_
URL: https://www.frackcheckwv.net/2023/03/18/west-virginia-interfaith-power- light-is-worthy-of-support/